Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Trinity Network Diagram!

Alrighty guys. So, I know (from the many e-mails I have read from my fans) that you have all been dying to know how Trinity's Computer Network works. Well, to please my viewers I have organized a diagram that does just that. What more can you ask for than a diagram that shows how your computer access works? I actually got to go behind the scenes and see just part of the crazy technology our university has invested in. In fact, there are so many servers in one room that without the air conditioner, the temperature could get up to 100 degrees! YIKES!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Not Tech Savvy?

Before I get to the point, let me answer your question. Yes. This great painting is one of my own. I have to say I would classify it as my Magnum Opus. I know, I know. I've outdone myself, but let's get to the main reason why I'm even writing this blog. Technology, technology, technology. Gosh will it ever quit growing? I highly doubt it, so just to keep up with today's technological advances, I thought I would share a computer tip with you from a very tech savvy person, Joe Hatch. We all have to admit that we get on our computers, go to a web site, and happily and immediately connect to our email (since we've saved our passwords). Well people, STOP DOING THAT! We're all guilty of saving our passwords. Listen. The longer you keep saving your passwords, the easier it is for hackers to get into your email, banking account, and documents. Basically, it's like taking candy from a baby. Moral of today's blog: Protect your candy. Or, in other words, be safe about securing your documents.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who Would Have Known?

Wow! So who would have known the insane amount of diversity we have in our class? I have to admit reading everyone's entries was pretty entertaining! I read Chelsea's, Erin's, and Blake's blog and discovered the first girl I know to play tuba, a fish with the most sophisticated name alive, and how little I know about golf and video games! Here are their blog URLs if you want to take a look:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Secret is Out

Hello, my name is Lucy Cevallos. I'm from Pasadena. Don't get too excited; I'm not from California. Believe it or not there is a Pasadena, Texas. You may have never heard of it because there is not much to it besides suburban neighborhoods and chemical plants (hints how we got the nickname Stinkadena). I come from a pretty big family where there is not an introvert to be found. I admit that my whole family loves to karaoke; however, most of us are not vocally blessed, which is why I was in orchestra, not choir. Mostly, I'd say breaking a sweat to a beat is my favorite kind of exercise, which leads me to my involvements at Trinity. I am part of the Trinity Ropers, or at least I'm in training. Trinity Ropers is a country western dance team that performs at events ranging from nursing homes to the San Antonio Rodeo. I also play on the club lacrosse team at Trinity, am involved with the christian fellowship Reformed University Fellowship, and work in the history department. Aside from the extra-curricular, I am studying biology on a pre-medical track living and breathing photosynthesis and the global carbon cycle! Concerning computers, I'd say I'm Microsoft proficient, but I'm not a fan of 2007. I like to keep it old school with 2003. My one secret, which I find more of a nuisance than a secret, is that every day I never fail to hiccup. Whether it is once or three times a day they never seem to stop. It's always embarrassing when I'm talking to someone new and in the middle of our conversation I let one out. Apologies in advance if this ever happens! The secret is out!

You can email me here.