Friday, January 22, 2010

Not Tech Savvy?

Before I get to the point, let me answer your question. Yes. This great painting is one of my own. I have to say I would classify it as my Magnum Opus. I know, I know. I've outdone myself, but let's get to the main reason why I'm even writing this blog. Technology, technology, technology. Gosh will it ever quit growing? I highly doubt it, so just to keep up with today's technological advances, I thought I would share a computer tip with you from a very tech savvy person, Joe Hatch. We all have to admit that we get on our computers, go to a web site, and happily and immediately connect to our email (since we've saved our passwords). Well people, STOP DOING THAT! We're all guilty of saving our passwords. Listen. The longer you keep saving your passwords, the easier it is for hackers to get into your email, banking account, and documents. Basically, it's like taking candy from a baby. Moral of today's blog: Protect your candy. Or, in other words, be safe about securing your documents.

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