Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hello New Students! So, if you think this a blow off class, you might as well say hello to a bad grade! This course is not significantly difficult, but if you decide to put off your work, and wait until the last minute you will most likely not earn a good grade! The best way to prepare for a test is really to do your homework (you would think this is a given, but I know your way of thinking). Also, pay attention! Most of you will use at least one of these applications in your academic and professional future! Watch out for the multiple choice questions because those are the trickiest! BEST OF LUCK!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Website Feedback!

So, this week every presented their websites! First of all, I want to say congrats to everyone in our class! I know that each of the websites took A LOT of time, regardless if it was simple or complex. Out of all of the websites, a three really stood out to me. First, I thought Erin Dooley's was great. I really loved how she used her resume as a foundation for her website. I thought it was a great idea to make it both personal and professional! Also, I really enjoyed CJ's website. I thought his photoshop skills with the tigers was a great idea and set a professional tone to his webpage. CJ's choice of tiger pictures were amazing too! Taylor Stratton's website was also really eye catching. I liked how his page was more of a personal site and showed his passion for sports and music! Also, I thought it was a great way to advertise his music! Great job to everyone!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I know you want to!

Please visit my website at http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~lcevallo/! So I have to admit that making a website was even harder than I thought. Especially when you are really "nit picky" like I am. Thank goodness for technology because I would have had a nervous break down if I had to hand code the whole web page. Thankfully, I used Microsoft Expression Web when I built my website, so that made things easier. Although, I did use my hand coding skills at times when things did not turn out as planned. I have to admit that my favorite part about my webpage is my Navigation Bar. I put a lot of time into it, and in my opinion it looks pretty darn good. Page-wise I really like my family page. Especially now that I don't see them as much, it's really fun to remember all of the traditions we have. If I could change anything it would be the my home page. It's a little too simple, so I would probably add more pizazz to it. My biggest technical challenge was using the tables and adding pictures. Once I realized how to center it, everything went smoothly. My biggest design challenge was creating a "Welcome" graphic for my homepage. I tried to be too fancy, and then ended up with a simple creation. Even with the simplicity of my page, I will show all of my family and friends my website! Despite the sweat and stress, a future website might be in the making one day! Everyone enjoy!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Can I Trick You?

Alrighty, so here we have a manipulated picture. Don't freak out anybody, the kitten was not harmed! I found both picture on the internet and decided that the purpose of my manipulation was to ignite some emotion in some people, especially animal lovers (which includes myself)! Basically I took a picture of a kitten with a really sweet face on and inserted her into this picture with a man chopping some wood! I resized the kitten and lowered her opacity to match the colors of the background picture. I also adjusted the color and saturation of both the kitten and the background to look a little more frightening! I knew that with this manipulation I could get some gasps from the girls in class and some laughter from the guys. Now, was this manipulation harmful? Well, that is in the eyes of the beholder, but from my point of view, not really. The kitten is safe, but I guess this guy might be offended if he was really a cat lover. But, it's not like I manipulated this photo for a candidate for the PETA organization, so it didn't really cause any harm. However, the article I read describes that while simple manipulated photos might not be harmful, the advanced technology to manipulate photos can be. The advance in technology is increasing so rapidly that important legal documents are able to be manipulated using copies of forged signatures, letterheads, and false statements. Although some pictures like mine may not be that harmful, our technology savvy society may soon or currently be using forged documents that can affect our government and companies around the world!
Here is my citation for the article I researched: "Beware of a Blizzard of Fake Documents." New York Times (1991): 22. Print.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Bother With HTML Coding?

Even though it's tedious, you need to know how to manually code websites because if something goes wrong on your website you can look at your code, find the problem, and fix it!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Presentation Successes!

I have to admit that everyone did a great job on their presentations! No one had any horrific color schemes or unreadable font choices. Out of all of them two stood out to me. First I want to recognize Tori Carey and her presentation on a career as a pre-school teacher. What I loved most was her elaboration on more than just the obvious job description of a teacher. Tori used great color schemes that reminded the class of the great days of Crayola. Tori's gave a sociological and psychological meaning to the everyday learning events that we didn't even realize was going on. I loved her presentation because it made us realize that pre-school teaching is not only easy, but it helped shaped who we are today! Also, I thought that Taylor Stratton did a great job on his presentation over ophthalmology. Taylor's presentation was professional with his stethoscope background, yet kept our attention with the intriguing video on LASIK eye surgery. Not only was it interesting, but his statistics on the average salary definitely made everyone rethink their future career goals for at least a second!
***Here are the comments I would leave for my two presentations*** (Their blogs are not up yet)
Tori: I loved your example of the parachute game! That really brought back so many memories, and I realized how important each game we played was. Your presentation showed your passion for teaching and love for kids!
Taylor: I just learned about the eye in biology, so your presentation made me remember how interesting it is. Your video was awesome, but I have to admit that the slicing of the eye does not sound appealing to me! I think I will stick to glasses and contacts :)